“There’s no hiding in a Jason Bayani poem. You come for tough love, for straight talk on what it means to navigate American culture as a Filipino American man, for the painful wrestling of ancestral and personal memories. And you’re rewarded with brilliant flashes of what personal and societal transformation can look like.”
— Tamiko Beyer, Lithub
“Perhaps it is because Jason is used to baring his soul to strangers. Perhaps I’m just that good of an interviewer (HA). What I think made this incredibly interesting and personal was the level of comfort we established thanks in great part to a shared Filipinx American experience and all the baggage that comes with it.”
— Aaron Gallardo, KUBO
“Bayani has earned recognition through competitions, most notably National Poetry Slam and the International World Poetry Slam. His works have appeared in World Literature Today and Fourteen Hills, among others.”
— Rafaelito V. Sy , Positively Filipino
“Bayani crafts the energy of his spoken word performances into the turns of sonnets and lines grounded by the push of breath in a vowel, and by the place where a word hits within the body. ”
— Jai Arun Ravine, Lantern Review